Thursday, October 13, 2011

My Oh My, Does Time Fly!!

It's amazing how time flies when you're sitting in a hospital bed.  You wouldn't think so - you'd think the days would drag by as you sit around helpless and bored, but I promise, the time seriously flies!!

And today, it flew especially fast!!  In fact, in the blink of eye - poof! - there goes 7 whole days!!  Seven long days.  Sure, it might've been the fact that I had constant visitors all day long...that always makes the day fly by. might've been that...

Or it might have something to do with the discussion I had with my Dr. this afternoon...

...the discussion that changed my baby boy's birthday from October 25th to October 18th. read that correctly.  October 18th.  That's Tuesday...just in case you didn't know.

On October 18th, Neil and I will be parents.  And not just parents because we're pregnant, but parents that are holding their little baby boy.  In their arms.  Looking into his eyes.  For real, not just eyes in a ultrasound photo.  CRAZY!!!

Yes, my Dr. has decided that with the new finding of the vasa previa, the risks of waiting an additional week are not worth it - especially since I have been contracting more frequently then I was.  She studied the ultrasound, spoke with the technologist, did some research, talked with the partners in the office and came to the conclusion that delivering on Tuesday is the best choice for little Jimmer.

So like I said, time flies - especially when you see your countdown go from 12 days to 5 a matter of 5 minutes!!