Saturday, October 1, 2011

Legends are Born in October

Major League Baseball has launched a new campaign slogan for the playoffs: "Legends are Born in October".  It's a simple slogan, straightforward and more than the truth.  Before the end of October, a new team will be dubbed "World Series Champions".  But that's not all...

Before today, there was a chance that Mr. Jimbo could have been born in September - even August.  Both of which are too scary for me to think about!  But we have officially made it to October 1st - which means that no matter what, our little legend will be born in October...right along with those baseball legends!

My doctor came to see me today.  Which is really all I've been looking forward to all week.  This was the week that I was going to get a date - once and for all.  And once and for all...a date I did get!

October 25, 2011.  The date our precious baby boy will enter this world.  I will be going into surgery at around 8am, which gives us all day to celebrate with our little bundle of joy.  I simply cannot express the excitement that has filled my entire body since the minute the date was in the schedule books.  I will get an ultrasound in another couple weeks to check his growth and then it's go time.  Neil and I are so ready - but at the same time, we can't believe it's actually happening!  All of this waiting...all of the preparations...everything is set...and I couldn't be more proud of everyone involved.  All the support, encouragement, everything that everyone has done for us - it's all for this.  Our little baby boy.  In just 3 short weeks, we'll get to look into his eyes and we won't believe our own!

Legends really are born in October...