Friday, September 16, 2011

31 WEEKS!!!

I can't believe we've made it this far!  There was no way in the world when I was admitted on August 23rd that I actually thought I would make it to 31 weeks!  It is such a relieving feeling to know that we have made it this far. And it is so obvious that little Jimmer is growing leaps and bounds each day - as evidenced by the ridiculous kicks and punches!  I've actually had two that SERIOUSLY hurt!!  Such a strong boy!

I am so excited to say that next week we'll finally be getting another ultrasound!  I am so excited to see if a) my placenta has moved (not holding my breath) and b) how much bigger Jimmer really is!  Not to mention, I just love seeing our little baby boy!!  I've also been permitted to partake in some physical therapy - which will be nice since my legs look like I've been diagnosed with Polio.  I probably won't be able to do much, but at least it's progress!!

Other than that, it's been a pretty uneventful week - which is just the way I want it!!  SIX MORE WEEKS!! :)